Liturgical Calendar Calculation for a Given Year (2025)

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General Roman Calendar - 2025
30 SaturdayFirst Sunday of Advent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
1 SundayFirst Sunday of Advent (YEAR C) - purple
2 MondaywMonday of the 1st Week of Advent - purple
3 TuesdayMSaint Francis Xavier, Priest - white
4 WednesdaywWednesday of the 1st Week of Advent - purple
mSaint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors
5 ThursdaywThursday of the 1st Week of Advent - purple
6 FridaywFriday of the 1st Week of Advent - purple
mSaint Nicholas, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
7 SaturdayMSaint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
Second Sunday of Advent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
8 SundaySecond Sunday of Advent (YEAR C) - purple
9 MondaySThe Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (YEAR C) - white
10 TuesdaywTuesday of the 2nd Week of Advent - purple
mBlessed Virgin Mary of Loreto - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11 WednesdaywWednesday of the 2nd Week of Advent - purple
mSaint Damasus I, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
12 ThursdaywThursday of the 2nd Week of Advent - purple
mOur Lady of Guadalupe - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
13 FridayMSaint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
14 SaturdayMSaint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete) Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - pink or purple
15 SundayThird Sunday of Advent (Gaudete) (YEAR C) - pink or purple
16 MondaywMonday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
17 TuesdaywTuesday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
18 WednesdaywWednesday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
19 ThursdaywThursday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
20 FridaywFriday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
21 SaturdaywSaturday of the 3rd Week of Advent - purple
m*Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors
Fourth Sunday of Advent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
22 SundayFourth Sunday of Advent (YEAR C) - purple
23 MondaywMonday of the 4th Week of Advent - purple
m*Saint John of Kanty, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
24 TuesdaywTuesday of the 4th Week of Advent - purple
Christmas Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
25 WednesdayChristmas (YEAR C) - white
26 ThursdayFSaint Stephen, The First Martyr - red
27 FridayFSaint John, Apostle and Evangelist - white
28 SaturdayFThe Holy Innocents, Martyrs - red
F✝Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
29 SundayF✝Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (YEAR C) - white
30 Mondayw6th Day of the Octave of Christmas - white
31 Tuesdayw7th Day of the Octave of Christmas - white
m*Saint Sylvester I, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
SMary, Mother of God Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
1 WednesdaySMary, Mother of God (YEAR C) - white
2 ThursdayMSaints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church - white
3 FridaywFriday - Christmas Weekday - white
mThe Most Holy Name of Jesus - white
4 SaturdaywSaturday - Christmas Weekday - white
F✝2nd Sunday after Christmas Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
5 SundayF✝2nd Sunday after Christmas (YEAR C) - white
Epiphany Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
6 MondayEpiphany (YEAR C) - white
7 TuesdaywTuesday - Christmas Weekday - white
mSaint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor
8 WednesdaywWednesday - Christmas Weekday - white
9 ThursdaywThursday - Christmas Weekday - white
10 FridaywFriday - Christmas Weekday - white
11 SaturdaywSaturday - Christmas Weekday - white
F✝Baptism of the Lord Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
12 SundayF✝Baptism of the Lord (YEAR C) - white
Ordinary Time
13 MondaywMonday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
14 TuesdaywTuesday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
15 WednesdaywWednesday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
16 ThursdaywThursday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
17 FridayMSaint Anthony, Abbot - white
18 SaturdaywSaturday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
19 Sunday2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
20 MondaywMonday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Fabian, Pope and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
mSaint Sebastian, Martyr - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr
21 TuesdayMSaint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
22 WednesdaywWednesday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr
23 ThursdaywThursday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
24 FridayMSaint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
25 SaturdayFThe Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle - white
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
26 Sunday3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
27 MondaywMonday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Angela Merici, Virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
28 TuesdayMSaint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors
29 WednesdaywWednesday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
30 ThursdaywThursday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
31 FridayMSaint John Bosco, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
1 SaturdaywSaturday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
F✝Presentation of the Lord Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
2 SundayF✝Presentation of the Lord (YEAR C) - white
3 MondaywMonday of the 4th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Blase, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
mSaint Ansgar, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
4 TuesdaywTuesday of the 4th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
5 WednesdayMSaint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
6 ThursdayMSaint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
7 FridaywFriday of the 4th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
8 SaturdaywSaturday of the 4th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Jerome Emiliani, Priest - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
mSaint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
9 Sunday5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
10 MondayMSaint Scholastica, Virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For a Nun
11 TuesdaywTuesday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mOur Lady of Lourdes - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12 WednesdaywWednesday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
13 ThursdaywThursday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
14 FridayMSaints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop - white
15 SaturdaywSaturday of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
16 Sunday6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
17 MondaywMonday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mThe Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
18 TuesdaywTuesday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
19 WednesdaywWednesday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
20 ThursdaywThursday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
21 FridaywFriday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
22 SaturdayFThe Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle - white
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
23 Sunday7th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
24 MondaywMonday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
25 TuesdaywTuesday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
26 WednesdaywWednesday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
27 ThursdaywThursday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For an Abbot; or From the Common of Doctors
28 FridaywFriday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
1 SaturdaywSaturday of the 7th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
2 Sunday8th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
3 MondaywMonday of the 8th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
4 TuesdaywTuesday of the 8th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Casimir - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For One Saint
5 WednesdayAsh Wednesday (YEAR C) - purple
6 ThursdaywThursday after Ash Wednesday - purple
7 FridaywFriday after Ash Wednesday - purple
m*Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs - red
8 SaturdaywSaturday after Ash Wednesday - purple
m*Saint John of God, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
First Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
9 SundayFirst Sunday of Lent (YEAR C) - purple
10 MondaywMonday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
11 TuesdaywTuesday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
12 WednesdaywWednesday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
13 ThursdaywThursday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
14 FridaywFriday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
15 SaturdaywSaturday of the 1st Week of Lent - purple
Second Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
16 SundaySecond Sunday of Lent (YEAR C) - purple
17 MondaywMonday of the 2nd Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Patrick, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
18 TuesdaywTuesday of the 2nd Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
SSaint Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
19 WednesdaySSaint Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary (YEAR C) - white
20 ThursdaywThursday of the 2nd Week of Lent - purple
21 FridaywFriday of the 2nd Week of Lent - purple
22 SaturdaywSaturday of the 2nd Week of Lent - purple
Third Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
23 SundayThird Sunday of Lent (YEAR C) - purple
24 MondaywMonday of the 3rd Week of Lent - purple
SAnnunciation of the Lord Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
25 TuesdaySAnnunciation of the Lord (YEAR C) - white
26 WednesdaywWednesday of the 3rd Week of Lent - purple
27 ThursdaywThursday of the 3rd Week of Lent - purple
28 FridaywFriday of the 3rd Week of Lent - purple
29 SaturdaywSaturday of the 3rd Week of Lent - purple
Fourth Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - pink or purple
30 SundayFourth Sunday of Lent (YEAR C) - pink or purple
31 MondaywMonday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
1 TuesdaywTuesday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
2 WednesdaywWednesday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
3 ThursdaywThursday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
4 FridaywFriday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
5 SaturdaywSaturday of the 4th Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
Fifth Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - purple
6 SundayFifth Sunday of Lent (YEAR C) - purple
7 MondaywMonday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
8 TuesdaywTuesday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
9 WednesdaywWednesday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
10 ThursdaywThursday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
11 FridaywFriday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
m*Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
12 SaturdaywSaturday of the 5th Week of Lent - purple
Palm Sunday Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - red
13 SundayPalm Sunday (YEAR C) - red
14 MondayMonday of Holy Week - purple
15 TuesdayTuesday of Holy Week - purple
16 WednesdayWednesday of Holy Week - purple
Easter Triduum
17 ThursdayHoly Thursday - white
18 FridayGood Friday - red
19 SaturdayEaster Vigil - white
20 SundayEaster Sunday - white
21 MondayMonday of the Octave of Easter - white
22 TuesdayTuesday of the Octave of Easter - white
23 WednesdayWednesday of the Octave of Easter - white
24 ThursdayThursday of the Octave of Easter - white
25 FridayFriday of the Octave of Easter - white
26 SaturdaySaturday of the Octave of Easter - white
Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
27 SundaySecond Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday (YEAR C) - white
28 MondaywMonday of the 2nd Week of Easter - white
mSaint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
mSaint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor
29 TuesdayMSaint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church - white
30 WednesdaywWednesday of the 2nd Week of Easter - white
mSaint Pius V, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
1 ThursdaywThursday of the 2nd Week of Easter - white
mSaint Joseph the Worker - white
2 FridayMSaint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
3 SaturdayFSaints Philip and James, Apostles - red
Third Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
4 SundayThird Sunday of Easter (YEAR C) - white
5 MondaywMonday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
6 TuesdaywTuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
7 WednesdaywWednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
8 ThursdaywThursday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
9 FridaywFriday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
10 SaturdaywSaturday of the 3rd Week of Easter - white
mSaint John of Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors
Fourth Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
11 SundayFourth Sunday of Easter (YEAR C) - white
12 MondaywMonday of the 4th Week of Easter - white
mSaints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
mSaint Pancras, Martyr - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr
13 TuesdaywTuesday of the 4th Week of Easter - white
mOur Lady of Fatima - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
14 WednesdayFSaint Matthias the Apostle - red
15 ThursdaywThursday of the 4th Week of Easter - white
16 FridaywFriday of the 4th Week of Easter - white
17 SaturdaywSaturday of the 4th Week of Easter - white
Fifth Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
18 SundayFifth Sunday of Easter (YEAR C) - white
19 MondaywMonday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
20 TuesdaywTuesday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
mSaint Bernardine of Siena, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
21 WednesdaywWednesday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
mSaint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
22 ThursdaywThursday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
mSaint Rita of Cascia, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
23 FridaywFriday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
24 SaturdaywSaturday of the 5th Week of Easter - white
Sixth Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
25 SundaySixth Sunday of Easter (YEAR C) - white
26 MondayMSaint Philip Neri, Priest - white
27 TuesdaywTuesday of the 6th Week of Easter - white
mSaint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
28 WednesdaywWednesday of the 6th Week of Easter - white
Ascension Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
29 ThursdayAscension (YEAR C) - white
30 FridaywFriday of the 6th Week of Easter - white
31 SaturdayFVisitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
Seventh Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
1 SundaySeventh Sunday of Easter (YEAR C) - white
2 MondaywMonday of the 7th Week of Easter - white
mSaints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
3 TuesdayMSaint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs - red
4 WednesdaywWednesday of the 7th Week of Easter - white
5 ThursdayMSaint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
6 FridaywFriday of the 7th Week of Easter - white
mSaint Norbert, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
7 SaturdaywSaturday of the 7th Week of Easter - white
Pentecost Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - red
8 SundayPentecost (YEAR C) - red
Ordinary Time
9 MondayMBlessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church - white
10 TuesdaywTuesday of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
11 WednesdayMSaint Barnabas the Apostle - red
12 ThursdaywThursday of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
13 FridayMSaint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
14 SaturdaywSaturday of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Trinity Sunday Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
15 SundayHoly Trinity Sunday (YEAR C) - white
16 MondaywMonday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
17 TuesdaywTuesday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
18 WednesdaywWednesday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
Corpus Christi Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
19 ThursdayCorpus Christi (YEAR C) - white
20 FridaywFriday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
21 SaturdayMSaint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious - white
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
22 Sunday12th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
23 MondaywMonday of the 12th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
SThe Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
24 TuesdaySThe Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (YEAR C) - white
25 WednesdaywWednesday of the 12th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
26 ThursdaywThursday of the 12th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
SMost Sacred Heart of Jesus Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - red
27 FridaySMost Sacred Heart of Jesus (YEAR C) - red
28 SaturdaymThe Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
mSaint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr and Doctor of the Church - white or red
SSaints Peter and Paul, Apostles Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - red
29 SundaySSaints Peter and Paul, Apostles (YEAR C) - red
30 MondaywMonday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mThe First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
1 TuesdaywTuesday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
2 WednesdaywWednesday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
3 ThursdayFSaint Thomas the Apostle - red
4 FridaywFriday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Elizabeth of Portugal - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
5 SaturdaywSaturday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
6 Sunday14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
7 MondaywMonday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
8 TuesdaywTuesday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
9 WednesdaywWednesday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
10 ThursdaywThursday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
11 FridayMSaint Benedict, Abbot - white
12 SaturdaywSaturday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
13 Sunday15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
14 MondaywMonday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Camillus de Lellis, Priest - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
15 TuesdayMSaint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
16 WednesdaywWednesday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mOur Lady of Mount Carmel - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
17 ThursdaywThursday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
18 FridaywFriday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
19 SaturdaywSaturday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
20 Sunday16th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
21 MondaywMonday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Doctors; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
22 TuesdayMSaint Mary Magdalene - white
23 WednesdaywWednesday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Bridget, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Holy Women
24 ThursdaywThursday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Sharbel Makhluf, Hermit - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For a Monk
25 FridayFSaint James, Apostle - red
26 SaturdayMSaints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
27 Sunday17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
28 MondaywMonday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
29 TuesdayMSaints Martha, Mary and Lazarus - white
30 WednesdaywWednesday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
31 ThursdayMSaint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest - white
1 FridayMSaint Alphonsus Mary Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
2 SaturdaywSaturday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
mSaint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
3 Sunday18th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
4 MondayMSaint John Mary Vianney, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor
5 TuesdaywTuesday of the 18th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mThe Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6 WednesdayF✝The Transfiguration of the Lord (YEAR C) - white
7 ThursdaywThursday of the 18th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
mSaint Cajetan, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
8 FridayMSaint Dominic, Priest - white
9 SaturdaywSaturday of the 18th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
10 Sunday19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
11 MondayMSaint Clare, Virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For a Nun
12 TuesdaywTuesday of the 19th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
13 WednesdaywWednesday of the 19th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs; or From the Common of Pastors: For Several Pastors
14 ThursdayMSaint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Priest and Martyr - white or red
SThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
15 FridaySThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (YEAR C) - white
16 SaturdaywSaturday of the 19th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Stephen of Hungary - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For One Saint
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
17 Sunday20th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
18 MondaywMonday of the 20th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
19 TuesdaywTuesday of the 20th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint John Eudes, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
20 WednesdayMSaint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church - white
21 ThursdayMSaint Pius X, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
22 FridayMThe Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
23 SaturdaywSaturday of the 20th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Rose of Lima, virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
24 Sunday21st Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
25 MondaywMonday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Louis - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For One Saint
mSaint Joseph Calasanz, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Educators
26 TuesdaywTuesday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
27 WednesdayMSaint Monica - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Holy Women
28 ThursdayMSaint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
29 FridayMThe Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, Martyr - red
30 SaturdaywSaturday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
31 Sunday22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
1 MondaywMonday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
2 TuesdaywTuesday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
3 WednesdayMSaint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church - white
4 ThursdaywThursday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
5 FridaywFriday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
6 SaturdaywSaturday of the 22nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
7 Sunday23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
8 MondayFThe Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
9 TuesdaywTuesday of the 23rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Peter Claver, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
10 WednesdaywWednesday of the 23rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
11 ThursdaywThursday of the 23rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
12 FridaywFriday of the 23rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mThe Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
13 SaturdayMSaint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
F✝Exaltation of the Holy Cross Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - red
14 SundayF✝Exaltation of the Holy Cross (YEAR C) - red
15 MondayMOur Lady of Sorrows - white
16 TuesdayMSaints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
17 WednesdaywWednesday of the 24th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
mSaint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin; or From the Common of Doctors
18 ThursdaywThursday of the 24th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
19 FridaywFriday of the 24th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
20 SaturdayMSaint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs - white
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
21 Sunday25th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
22 MondaywMonday of the 25th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
23 TuesdayMSaint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
24 WednesdaywWednesday of the 25th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
25 ThursdaywThursday of the 25th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
26 FridaywFriday of the 25th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
27 SaturdayMSaint Vincent de Paul, Priest - white
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
28 Sunday26th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
29 MondayFSaints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels - white
30 TuesdayMSaint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church - white
1 WednesdayMSaint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church - white
2 ThursdayMThe Holy Guardian Angels - white
3 FridaywFriday of the 26th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
4 SaturdayMSaint Francis of Assisi - white
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
5 Sunday27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
6 MondaywMonday of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Bruno, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For One Pastor; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For a Monk
7 TuesdayMOur Lady of the Rosary - white
8 WednesdaywWednesday of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
9 ThursdaywThursday of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs - red
From the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs
mSaint John Leonardi, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
10 FridaywFriday of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
11 SaturdaywSaturday of the 27th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint John XXIII, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
12 Sunday28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
13 MondaywMonday of the 28th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
14 TuesdaywTuesday of the 28th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For One Martyr; or From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
15 WednesdayMSaint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church - white
16 ThursdaywThursday of the 28th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Hedwig, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Holy Women
mSaint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin - white
From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
17 FridayMSaint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
18 SaturdayFSaint Luke, Evangelist - red
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
19 Sunday29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
20 MondaywMonday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
21 TuesdaywTuesday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
22 WednesdaywWednesday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint John Paul II, Pope - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Pope
23 ThursdaywThursday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint John of Capestrano, Priest - white
From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries; or From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
24 FridaywFriday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Pastors: For Missionaries
25 SaturdaywSaturday of the 29th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
26 Sunday30th Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
27 MondaywMonday of the 30th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
28 TuesdayFSaints Simon and Jude, Apostles - red
29 WednesdaywWednesday of the 30th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
30 ThursdaywThursday of the 30th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
31 FridaywFriday of the 30th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
SAll Saints Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
1 SaturdaySAll Saints (YEAR C) - white
2 SundayThe Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) (YEAR C) - purple
3 MondaywMonday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Martin de Porres, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Religious
4 TuesdayMSaint Charles Borromeo, Bishop - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop
5 WednesdaywWednesday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
6 ThursdaywThursday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
7 FridaywFriday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
8 SaturdaywSaturday of the 31st Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
F✝The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
9 SundayFThe Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (YEAR C) - white
10 MondayMSaint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church - white
11 TuesdayMSaint Martin of Tours, Bishop - white
12 WednesdayMSaint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr - white or red
13 ThursdaywThursday of the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
14 FridaywFriday of the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
15 SaturdaywSaturday of the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - white
From the Common of Pastors: For a Bishop; or From the Common of Doctors
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - green
16 Sunday33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - green
17 MondayMSaint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious - white
From the Common of Holy Men and Women: For Those Who Practiced Works of Mercy
18 TuesdaywTuesday of the 33rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mThe Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles - white
19 WednesdaywWednesday of the 33rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
20 ThursdaywThursday of the 33rd Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
21 FridayMThe Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
22 SaturdayMSaint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
SChrist the King Vigil Mass (YEAR C) - white
23 SundaySChrist the King (YEAR C) - white
24 MondayMSaint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs - red
25 TuesdaywTuesday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr - white or red
From the Common of Martyrs: For a Virgin Martyr; or From the Common of Virgins: For One Virgin
26 WednesdaywWednesday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
27 ThursdaywThursday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
28 FridaywFriday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
29 SaturdaywSaturday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time (YEAR I) - green
mSaturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white
From the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
365 event days created
Information about the current calculation of the Liturgical Year
0The Solemnity 'Annunciation of the Lord' falls on Monday of Holy Week in the year 2024, the celebration has been transferred to the Monday following the Second Sunday of Easter (April 8th) as per the Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
1The Solemnity 'The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary' falls on Second Sunday of Advent in the year 2024, the celebration has been transferred to the following Monday (December 9th) as per the Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
2The FEAST 'The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on September 8th, is suppressed by the Sunday '23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
3The FEAST 'Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on September 29th, is suppressed by the Sunday '26th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
4The Memorial 'Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on January 21st, is suppressed by the Sunday '3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
5The Memorial 'Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on January 28th, is suppressed by the Sunday '4th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
6The Memorial 'Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on February 14th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Ash Wednesday' in the year 2024.
7The Memorial 'Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
8The Memorial 'Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
9The Memorial 'Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 7th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday' in the year 2024.
10The Memorial 'Saint Philip Neri, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 26th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Holy Trinity Sunday' in the year 2024.
11The Memorial 'Saint John Mary Vianney, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 4th, is suppressed by the Sunday '18th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
12The Memorial 'Saint Clare, Virgin', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 11th, is suppressed by the Sunday '19th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
13The Memorial 'Our Lady of Sorrows', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on September 15th, is suppressed by the Sunday '24th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
14The Memorial 'Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 10th, is suppressed by the Sunday '32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
15The Memorial 'Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 17th, is suppressed by the Sunday '33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
16The weekday 'Tuesday of the 1st Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint Francis Xavier, Priest' in the year 2024.
17The weekday 'Saturday of the 1st Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church' in the year 2024.
18The weekday 'Friday of the 2nd Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr' in the year 2024.
19The weekday 'Saturday of the 2nd Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church' in the year 2024.
20The Memorial 'Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Priest and Martyr' has been added on August 14th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
21The Memorial 'Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on September 20th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
22The Memorial 'Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica Tertia 2002 of the Roman Missal since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal) and usually celebrated on November 24th, is suppressed by the SOLEMNITY 'Christ the King' in the year 2024.
23The Memorial 'Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest' has been added on September 23rd since the year 2008 (Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008), applicable to the year 2024.
24The Memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church' has been added on Monday after Pentecost since the year 2018 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
25The name of the Memorial 'Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus' has been changed to Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus since the year 2021, applicable to the year 2024 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
26The optional memorial 'Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on January 7th, is suppressed by the Sunday 'Baptism of the Lord' in the year 2024.
27The optional memorial 'Our Lady of Lourdes', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on February 11th, is suppressed by the Sunday '6th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
28The optional memorial 'The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
29The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
30The optional memorial 'Saint Casimir' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
31The optional memorial 'Saint John of God, Religious' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
32The optional memorial 'Saint Frances of Rome, Religious' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
33The optional memorial 'Saint Patrick, Bishop', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on March 17th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fifth Sunday of Lent' in the year 2024.
34The optional memorial 'Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
35The optional memorial 'Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
36The optional memorial 'Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 2nd, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Tuesday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2024.
37The optional memorial 'Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 4th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Thursday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2024.
38The optional memorial 'Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 5th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Friday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2024.
39The optional memorial 'Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 21st, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fourth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2024.
40The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 28th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fifth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2024.
41The optional memorial 'Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 12th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Seventh Sunday of Easter' in the year 2024.
42The optional memorial 'Saint Pancras, Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 12th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Seventh Sunday of Easter' in the year 2024.
43The optional memorial 'Saint Bernardine of Siena, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 20th, is suppressed by the Memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church' in the year 2024.
44The optional memorial 'Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 2nd, is suppressed by the Sunday '9th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
45The optional memorial 'Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 9th, is suppressed by the Sunday '10th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
46The optional memorial 'The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 30th, is suppressed by the Sunday '13th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
47The optional memorial 'Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on July 14th, is suppressed by the Sunday '15th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
48The optional memorial 'Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on July 21st, is suppressed by the Sunday '16th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
49The optional memorial 'Saint Louis', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 25th, is suppressed by the Sunday '21st Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
50The optional memorial 'Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 25th, is suppressed by the Sunday '21st Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
51The optional memorial 'Saint Bruno, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on October 6th, is suppressed by the Sunday '27th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
52The optional memorial 'Saint Martin de Porres, Religious', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 3rd, is suppressed by the Sunday '31st Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2024.
53The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
54The optional memorial 'Saint John of Kanty, Priest' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
55The optional memorial 'Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on December 29th, is suppressed by the Sunday 'Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph' in the year 2024.
56The optional memorial 'Saint Sylvester I, Pope' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2024, rank reduced to Commemoration.
57The optional memorial 'The Most Holy Name of Jesus' has been added on January 3rd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
58The optional memorial 'Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin' has been added on February 8th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
59The optional memorial 'Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr' has been added on April 23rd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
60The optional memorial 'Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest', added in the Editio Typica Tertia 2002 of the Roman Missal since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal) and usually celebrated on April 28th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fifth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2024.
61The optional memorial 'Our Lady of Fatima' has been added on May 13th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
62The optional memorial 'Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on May 21st since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
63The optional memorial 'Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious' has been added on May 22nd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
64The optional memorial 'Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on July 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
65The optional memorial 'Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr' has been added on July 20th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
66The optional memorial 'Saint Sharbel Makhluf, Hermit' has been added on July 24th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
67The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest' has been added on August 2nd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
68The optional memorial 'Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr' has been added on August 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
69The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Claver, Priest' has been added on September 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
70The optional memorial 'The Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary' has been added on September 12th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
71The optional memorial 'Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on September 28th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
72The optional memorial 'Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr' has been added on November 25th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2024.
73The optional memorial 'Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
74The optional memorial 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' has been added on December 12th since the year 2008 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
75The optional memorial 'Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin', added in the Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008 of the Roman Missal since the year 2008 () and usually celebrated on December 9th, is suppressed by the SOLEMNITY 'The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary' in the year 2024.
76The optional memorial 'Saint John XXIII, Pope' has been added on October 11th since the year 2014 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
77The optional memorial 'Saint John Paul II, Pope' has been added on October 22nd since the year 2014 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
78The optional memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto' has been added on December 10th since the year 2019 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
79The optional memorial 'Saint Paul VI, Pope' has been added on May 29th since the year 2019 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
80The optional memorial 'Saint Faustina Kowalska' has been added on October 5th since the year 2020 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
81The optional memorial 'Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church' has been added on February 27th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
82The optional memorial 'Saint John of Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church' has been added on May 10th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
83The optional memorial 'Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church' has been added on September 17th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2024.
84'Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year 1998, applicable to the year 2024 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
85'Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year 2022, applicable to the year 2024 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
86'4th Sunday of Ordinary Time' is superseded by the FEAST OF THE LORD 'Presentation of the Lord' in the year 2025.
87'32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time' is superseded by the FEAST OF THE LORD 'The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica' in the year 2025.
88'31st Sunday of Ordinary Time' is superseded by the SOLEMNITY 'The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day)' in the year 2025.
89'24th Sunday of Ordinary Time' is superseded by the FEAST OF THE LORD 'Exaltation of the Holy Cross' in the year 2025.
90'13th Sunday of Ordinary Time' is superseded by the SOLEMNITY 'Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles' in the year 2025.
91The FEAST 'Saint Mark the Evangelist', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 25th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Friday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2025.
92The FEAST 'Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 10th, is suppressed by the Sunday '19th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
93The FEAST 'Saint Bartholomew, Apostle', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on August 24th, is suppressed by the Sunday '21st Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
94The FEAST 'Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on September 21st, is suppressed by the Sunday '25th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
95The FEAST 'Saint Andrew, Apostle', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 30th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'First Sunday of Advent' in the year 2025.
96The FEAST 'The Holy Innocents, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on December 28th, is suppressed by the Sunday 'Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph' in the year 2025.
97The Memorial 'Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on January 26th, is suppressed by the Sunday '3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
98The Memorial 'Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on February 23rd, is suppressed by the Sunday '7th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
99The Memorial 'Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
100The Memorial 'Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
101The Memorial 'Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
102The Memorial 'Saint Justin Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 1st, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Seventh Sunday of Easter' in the year 2025.
103The Memorial 'The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary' coincides with another Memorial 'Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr' in the year 2025. They are both reduced in rank to optional memorials (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
104The weekday 'Wednesday of the 1st Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint Francis Xavier, Priest' in the year 2025.
105The Memorial 'Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on December 7th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Second Sunday of Advent' in the year 2025.
106The weekday 'Saturday of the 2nd Week of Advent' is superseded by the Memorial 'Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr' in the year 2025.
107The Memorial 'Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on December 14th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)' in the year 2025.
108The Memorial 'Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Priest and Martyr' has been added on August 14th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
109The Memorial 'Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on September 20th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
110The Memorial 'Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on November 24th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
111The Memorial 'Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest' has been added on September 23rd since the year 2008 (Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008), applicable to the year 2025.
112The Memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church' has been added on Monday after Pentecost since the year 2018 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
113The name of the Memorial 'Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus' has been changed to Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus since the year 2021, applicable to the year 2025 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
114The optional memorial 'Saint John of God, Religious' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
115The optional memorial 'Saint Frances of Rome, Religious', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on March 9th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'First Sunday of Lent' in the year 2025.
116The optional memorial 'Saint Patrick, Bishop' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
117The optional memorial 'Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
118The optional memorial 'Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on March 23rd, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Third Sunday of Lent' in the year 2025.
119The optional memorial 'Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
120The optional memorial 'Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
121The optional memorial 'Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
122The optional memorial 'Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 13th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Palm Sunday' in the year 2025.
123The optional memorial 'Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 21st, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Monday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2025.
124The optional memorial 'Saint George, Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 23rd, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Wednesday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2025.
125The optional memorial 'Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on April 24th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Thursday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2025.
126The optional memorial 'Saint John I, Pope and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 18th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fifth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2025.
127The optional memorial 'Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 25th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Sixth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2025.
128The optional memorial 'Saint Gregory VII, Pope', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 25th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Sixth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2025.
129The optional memorial 'Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Virgin', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on May 25th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Sixth Sunday of Easter' in the year 2025.
130The optional memorial 'Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 9th, is suppressed by the Memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church' in the year 2025.
131The optional memorial 'Saint Romuald, Abbot', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 19th, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Corpus Christi' in the year 2025.
132The optional memorial 'Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 22nd, is suppressed by the Sunday '12th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
133The optional memorial 'Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 22nd, is suppressed by the Sunday '12th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
134The optional memorial 'Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on June 27th, is suppressed by the SOLEMNITY 'Most Sacred Heart of Jesus' in the year 2025.
135The optional memorial 'Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on July 6th, is suppressed by the Sunday '14th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
136The optional memorial 'Saint Henry', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on July 13th, is suppressed by the Sunday '15th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
137The optional memorial 'Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on September 28th, is suppressed by the Sunday '26th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
138The optional memorial 'Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on October 19th, is suppressed by the Sunday '29th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
139The optional memorial 'Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on October 19th, is suppressed by the Sunday '29th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
140The optional memorial 'Saint Margaret of Scotland', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 16th, is suppressed by the Sunday '33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
141The optional memorial 'Saint Gertrude the Great, Virgin', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 16th, is suppressed by the Sunday '33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
142The optional memorial 'Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 23rd, is suppressed by the SOLEMNITY 'Christ the King' in the year 2025.
143The optional memorial 'Saint Columban, Religious', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on November 23rd, is suppressed by the SOLEMNITY 'Christ the King' in the year 2025.
144The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church', added in the Editio Typica 1970 of the Roman Missal since the year 1970 (Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum) and usually celebrated on December 21st, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Fourth Sunday of Advent' in the year 2025.
145The optional memorial 'Saint John of Kanty, Priest' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
146The optional memorial 'Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
147The optional memorial 'Saint Sylvester I, Pope' either falls between 17 Dec. and 24 Dec., or during the Octave of Christmas, or on the weekdays of the Lenten season in the year 2025, rank reduced to Commemoration.
148The optional memorial 'The Most Holy Name of Jesus' has been added on January 3rd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
149The optional memorial 'Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin' has been added on February 8th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
150The optional memorial 'Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica Tertia 2002 of the Roman Missal since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal) and usually celebrated on April 23rd, is suppressed by the celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Wednesday of the Octave of Easter' in the year 2025.
151The optional memorial 'Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest' has been added on April 28th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
152The optional memorial 'Our Lady of Fatima' has been added on May 13th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
153The optional memorial 'Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on May 21st since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
154The optional memorial 'Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious' has been added on May 22nd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
155The optional memorial 'Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs' has been added on July 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
156The optional memorial 'Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr', added in the Editio Typica Tertia 2002 of the Roman Missal since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal) and usually celebrated on July 20th, is suppressed by the Sunday '16th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
157The optional memorial 'Saint Sharbel Makhluf, Hermit' has been added on July 24th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
158The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest' has been added on August 2nd since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
159The optional memorial 'Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr' has been added on August 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
160The optional memorial 'Saint Peter Claver, Priest' has been added on September 9th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
161The optional memorial 'The Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary' has been added on September 12th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
162The optional memorial 'Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs', added in the Editio Typica Tertia 2002 of the Roman Missal since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal) and usually celebrated on September 28th, is suppressed by the Sunday '26th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
163The optional memorial 'Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr' has been added on November 25th since the year 2002 (Vatican Press conference: Presentation of the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal), applicable to the year 2025.
164The optional memorial 'Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious' has been transferred from Dec. 12 to Aug. 12 since the year 2002 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
165The optional memorial 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' has been added on December 12th since the year 2008 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
166The optional memorial 'Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin' has been added on December 9th since the year 2008 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
167The optional memorial 'Saint John XXIII, Pope' has been added on October 11th since the year 2014 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
168The optional memorial 'Saint John Paul II, Pope' has been added on October 22nd since the year 2014 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
169The optional memorial 'Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto' has been added on December 10th since the year 2019 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
170The optional memorial 'Saint Paul VI, Pope', added on May 29th since the year 2019 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), is however superseded by a celebration with precedence over solemnities 'Ascension' in the year 2025.
171The optional memorial 'Saint Faustina Kowalska', added on October 5th since the year 2020 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), is however superseded by a Sunday '27th Sunday of Ordinary Time' in the year 2025.
172The optional memorial 'Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church' has been added on February 27th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
173The optional memorial 'Saint John of Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church' has been added on May 10th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
174The optional memorial 'Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church' has been added on September 17th since the year 2021 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship), applicable to the year 2025.
175'Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year 1998, applicable to the year 2025 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
176'Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr' has been declared a Doctor of the Church since the year 2022, applicable to the year 2025 (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship).
Configurations sent in the request
nation: null, diocese: null, year: 2025, year_type: LITURGICAL, locale: en_US
epiphany: JAN6, ascension: THURSDAY, corpus_christi: THURSDAY, eternal_high_priest: false
Configurations received in the response
nation: null, diocese: null, year: 2025, year_type: LITURGICAL, locale: en
epiphany: JAN6, ascension: THURSDAY, corpus_christi: THURSDAY, eternal_high_priest: false